When it comes to the internet, we have no idea how to possibly live without it. There was a time, not so long ago, when we humans were capable of living our everyday lives without needing the internet. And even though this might sound pretty dull, it was a great time to be alive, so much so that we even miss a few things about life back then. In an effort to answer these nostalgic needs, we have compiled a list of different things that people remember and miss about life before the internet and social media took over the world. Let us transport you back to a time when Facebook wasn’t invented and when people had to psychically carry their music library around…
#1: Kids Today Will Never Know…
It is almost impossible to compare what life was like 30 years ago with what life is like today. Sure, some things have more or less stayed the same, but there are many things that have drastically changed since then. So much so that it makes some things sound completely unrealistic and almost unimaginable in today’s world…
We have a feeling that kids today would have absolutely no idea what a cassette tape looks like or what it does. Considering that it has been a long time since cassettes were even in production, or in the mainstream, this makes sense. But if you ever used them, then you know the feeling of realizing your cassette tape is ruined after seeing it all tangled up.