The best kind of adventure is the one you can have in your own backyard. Adventure isn’t something you have to travel far for—you can find it right in your own backyard. It’s about stepping outside of the everyday, and experiencing new sights, sounds, and flavors.
Every place has its unique personality, and while common sense is required when traveling into unknown territory, adventure stays rooted in your hometown.

Here are some ways to find adventure in the town you live in.
Take a Hike
Hiking is one of the best ways to experience nature without leaving home, and there are plenty of trails within driving distance of where you live. Some trails are marked with signs indicating interesting features along the way, while others are unmarked and require you to pay attention. Hiking takes time and patience, but it’s a low-impact way to discover new places while getting a bit of exercise in the process.
It’s hot outside. Why not take advantage? Head outdoors and get into some cool water! However, there are some caveats before you go swimming in any body of water in your town. Firstly, be aware of the tides—swimming in the ocean is dangerous when it’s high tide. Check a tide chart to see when low tide will occur so you don’t get stuck out at sea with no escape route!
Secondly, know what creatures are living in the water where you plan to go swimming. Some cities have bodies of water with a large population of alligators and snakes. If you aren’t an experienced swimmer, it’s worth checking out the kinds of animals that live in the water before wading in.
Lastly, know your limits when it comes to swimming in open waters like lakes or rivers—if you can’t see land on the other side, consider whether you will be able to swim there if something goes wrong.

Road Trips
Road trips can offer a lot of adventure in your own town, particularly if it’s next door. Look up fun places nearby where you could spend some time. If these are too far away, simply narrow down your search to a few hours away and spend a day in that city. Check out the local sites and eat some of the regional treats, then come back home when it’s time to go.
Festivals & Fairs are always lots of fun, but you might find an interesting event in your own backyard that you never knew was coming up! Keep an eye on your local newspaper for things like art shows, outdoor markets, and expositions. They provide free entertainment for everyone in the family and can help you explore your city.
Now that you’ve got some ideas on how to find adventure close to home, it’s time to get out there! Take a hike, go swimming, hit the road for a day trip, or check out a festival in your town. You’ll discover something new and exciting—and you might even meet some new people along the way.