#19: Yipes! Stripes!
This is a pretty obscure pop culture reference that only Gen X and elder millennials will understand. If you’re of a certain age, you definitely remember the mysteriously flavored, super sweet chewing gum called Fruit Stripe. Who else got immediate flashbacks the second they laid eyes on that famous technicolor zebra?
Fruit Stripe gum was THE gum of the moment for Gen X. The sticks of gum had zebra stripes on them, and the striped wrappers were also temporary tattoos. The zebra mascot (mysteriously named Yipes) beckoned kids of all ages from convenience store gum racks across the nation. The thing is, this gum wasn’t actually good. The flavor lasted only a few minutes, if that. So, to say you can tolerate people as long as a piece of Fruit Stripe gum is really saying something about how much you love socializing.