When it comes to historical films, there is a fine line between historical accuracy and fabrication. While the audience wants to see accuracy in certain portrayals, they also want to be drawn in by excitement, action, and romance. There are many films out there that, although attempting to get this relationship right, have failed. Still, others have managed to portray historical accuracy in a way that successfully translates to the big screen. No matter how great, repulsive, or uncomfortable the truth may be, we have compiled a list of historically accurate films that hit the nail on the head.
#1: Chapter 27
Year: 2007
Probably considered to be one of the most famous assassinations in the world, the murder of John Lennon has puzzled people for generations. The film Chapter 27 attempts and succeeds at diving into the mind of the man who killed John Lennon through this in-depth exploration.

The film follows the week before the assassination occurred and all the events leading to his murder. It follows Mark David Chapman, portrayed by Jared Leto, doing things all over New York City in December of 1980. Many people claim this film is 100% accurate, but that is still left to interpretation.