A Shy Person
Because Bloomington, Illinois served as the backdrop for this tale, that is also the location of all of the action that transpired there. This story has a lot to teach us about the things that are going on behind closed doors in our communities, which includes a lot of the things that are being discussed here today. This is a story from which we can gain a great deal of knowledge.

As was mentioned earlier, he was not the type of person who thrived in situations where there were many people present in the room. He preferred to be by himself throughout his free time. On the other hand, this in no way suggests that he was impolite in any way, shape, or form. Neither of these things can be said about him. It seemed as though he had a positive relationship with one family in the area, and that family was known as the Andrackes. As a matter of fact, they were the family that was being referred to here.