Since the 1990s were only thirty years ago, you may be wondering, “Have things really changed all that much since then?” The short answer? Yes! The long answer? Still yes! From smoking sections in restaurants to lax driving regulations, the 1990s were a time of excess, abandonment, and lots and lots of pirated music and movies…Oops! And in this pre 9-11 landscape, it also seems like society had fewer concerns. At least we could move through the security line at the airport lightyears faster than we can today. We’ve collected 25 examples of how life was more carefree in the ’90s and how the people of the day got away with almost anything! What do you remember being “okay” in the ’90s that just wouldn’t fly today?
#1: Smoking in Restaurants and Bars
Some cities in America may still have these age-old signs propped up in dining rooms, but nevertheless, the “smoking section” truly remains a relic of a bygone era—and good riddance! Biases aside, eradicating public smoking areas has cleaned up the air for the rest of society, cutting back on the negative health ramifications of widespread secondhand smoke.