Have you ever seen something and needed to take a second look because you thought your mind was playing tricks on you? We are constantly surrounded by all things recognizable and known to us, so when we come across an unfamiliar image or scene, it can make us feel like our mind is playing tricks on us. By now, we know that we shape our reality and control our destiny. But there can be moments in which you cannot recognize reality from your imagination, and things can feel surreal. This thread will challenge your perception of reality and confuse your senses as you understand that things are never as they seem.
#1: The Eiffel Tower Has Some Serious Moves
Since childhood, we have known that certain things exist in the world. Countries, landmarks, and animals are forever imprinted in our minds as unmingled. These things simply exist, and that is that, right?

Or so you thought. This image of the Eiffel Tower, although a photographic mishap with the panoramic phone filter, tells a different version of the story that we have known to be true our entire lives. All it takes is an accidental photo for you to rethink everything you were ever told.