When you are in a marriage with someone, whether or not the relationship stays together depends on your honesty. You need to be willing to share everything with your partner, after all, if you can’t trust them, then who can you trust at all? It’s not the easiest thing to do in the world, a lot of us hold back and don’t want to open up and be vulnerable with someone. But think of it like this, it will save you a lot of heartache and time if you just are straight with them from the beginning. Communication is everything, so remember that and we are sure that it will save you from any disasters you may face in the future. We know that since we started talking openly about things, our lives have only improved. Don’t be scared to be open with people and speak from your heart, it can really help you out.

Meet Jackie
Jackie was a young woman at the time of this story who had her whole life in front of her. On top of that, she was from a rich family and everything seemed to be easy. All she had to do was ask for things and she would receive them. That didn’t make her spoiled though, she was humble just by her very nature.

Jackie was going to go through a rollercoaster of a life that she had no idea where it would take her in the end. Everything was up and down for Jackie and she just wanted to find her place in the world and do the right thing. But it would seem like that would be much harder than she thought.