It’s no secret that there are certain things Americans do that would make an outsider raise an eyebrow. From our love of pumpkin spice to our obsession with air conditioning, certain customs and habits we take for granted as being completely normal are actually quite strange. People took to the Internet to talk about the most bizarre things you’d only see in America, and we must admit that most are true.
#1: Not Normal News
We Americans are obsessed with the news. According to a recent survey, the average American spends a whopping 3.5 hours per day watching, reading, or listening to the news—more time than most of us spend sleeping! We also spend a whopping 2.5 hours watching cable news programs.

So, in other words, we spend more time watching cable news than on cable T.V. Talk about dedication! But don’t worry; there’s still plenty of time to catch up on the latest episode of “The Bachelor” or “The Real Housewives” after you’ve finished catching up on the day’s headlines.