Ah, high school. What a magical, confusing time in our lives. Whether you were the class clown, the nerd, or the prom queen, we all have plenty of high school stories to go around. People took to the Internet to share their craziest stories from high school with the hashtag #MyHighSchoolWasWeird. And thanks to this challenge, we can now read about what made other schools weird. We would love to hear about your weird high school stories, so let us know about them in the comments!
#1: This Little Piggy…
There is nothing quite like being in high school… When you’re there, you wish you weren’t; once you leave, you wish you had never left. Where else in the world are you allowed, in fact, encouraged to play pranks on other students and teachers?
But why is it that whenever kids are given permission to do something, they take it to a whole other level? It is customary for many schools to give their graduating students the freedom to perform some pranks on their younger classmates. But there is nothing more genius than to confuse the teachers as well…