Animals have an amazing memory and react well to kindness when it is shown to them. No matter how fierce the animal may seem, they each have a soft spot and are open to making friends. Of course, be careful when you come face to face with a wild animal, but don’t immediately think they are just mindless brutes.
That’s the mistake that many of us make while dealing with wild animals, we never fully understand what they can feel as well. Well, stick around and you will see just how much an animal could feel towards a human being. It’s not easy to make a connection after going through hardships.
A Russian zoo
Olga worked in a small local zoo in Russia that consisted of many different types of animals. Although the zoo had some funding, it was constantly struggling to make ends meet and pay all of its employees plus look after all the animals. That’s why when a new cheetah showed up one day, it was a big deal for everyone.
Owning a private zoo is never easy and as you may know already, it can be quite expensive. We are not sure that private zoos are even a good thing to have anymore, some are well-funded and others are not. It all depends on people financing it in the end, but we are sure they love the animals regardless.