We like to imagine that the world is a better, smarter place since everything you would ever need to know is readily available on the internet. However, it seems that the opposite is true. Here are 50+ beautifully cringy moments of people showing off their slight dimwittedness for the entire world to see.

We Don’t Trust You, Kris
The fact that this restaurant managed to receive an A is amazing, considering how one of the employees seems to rub people the wrong way. Kris here is looking for a new chef, dishwasher, and busboy for the restaurant, but you should know that he’s a good guy.

Like, a really good guy. You can tell how good of a guy he is by the wanted ad he put on the restaurant door. Seriously, nobody is going to badmouth themselves to total strangers, Kris. You might be the nicest guy in the world, but we’ve dealt with “nice guys” in the past. They’re not exactly kindhearted people.